Dangerous Storm

There is no other god other then Allah & Mohammad is the messenger of  Allah.



There hav been some questions raised regarding blog: Remibder for believers, which I believe needs 2b addressed.  

Astagfirillah, does Allah enforce Islam or give punishments by abusing  his power? When u read a story of a dangerous storm, a lone traveller n all doors shut except Allah's 1 cud wonder away with thots of pure extortion of faith (although that cud b a rare case after sufficient warnings from Allah, as we c in Qur’an at least 2 stories about prophet zakaria n yunus alahes salams).

That is not the general  case. Allah has given us complete freedom of religion:

"There is no compulsion at all in religion; undoubtedly the right path has become very distinct from error; and whoever rejects faith in the devil (false deities, sorceries) and believes in Allah has grasped a very firm handhold; it will never loosen; and Allah is All Hearing, All Knowing." (Qur’an 2: 256)

When he has declared that freedom there is no need 2 enforce it with powers that shaytwan can show as well ie., creating storms, making 1 think shaytwan's version of Islam is the only survival route n allah has closed all doors on him being the most gracious n merciful. Allah says he has made the world wide enuf 2 find 1s deen. So 1 need not b distressed 2 find allah in his blieve. If some1 gets scared or dies in a stormy weather due 2 thunder litening or drowning but commits taubah n allah accepts his taubah that is mashallah very good news for the dead (or if alive too). Althou Allah has teased such people that when they find themselves helpless in a stormy sea only then they remember Allah n ask for his help.

When my fellow blogger says many other things like the following:

"When we are in trouble, we will be pushed to seek assistance. And that’s the design. Why would we seek shelter if it’s sunny and the weather is nice? When does one seek refuge? It is when the storm hits." Well most of the blog seems 2b focused on wot I hav mentioned above for which allah has teased humans. Whereas Qur’an n sunnah teaches us 2 b always in all weather, wealth or health etc conditions 2 remain first grateful 2 allah then, if necessary, ask for his help.

It is also true Allah tests the muslims sometimes with calamities n sometimes for a few fortunate 1s by not stopping shytwan conspiring n creating misfortunes for them, so that later they can realise who is the true shelter n sustainer of mumins. It also allows them opportunity 2 either improve their akhlak n amols or thru repentance n ibadaah 2 get closer 2 his rahmah.

Now allah being closer then the jugular vein. I wud say that is our ruhu that he has blown in2 us from within him, as Qur’an mentions. This is wot makes us  his best among his creations. This ruhu remains a mystery. It possibly cud b in our brains n with devotion n obedience 2 allah it gradually opens up the doors of fortune n starts pouring in the 99 qualities of allah which he has mentioned as asmaul husna. Any Muslim who will mashallah strive 2 improve these qualities of Allah, which is combinedly is nothing but an individual's ruhu, will attain the highest status of spirituality. The difference between them n prophets r, prophets were chosen by Allah's wisdom but the awlias, as they r known, hav achieved with tremendous self restraints, discipline, persistence, thirst for knowledge n ultimately for their truly amazing tawak unlimited barakah n rahmah from allah. Now all of them tried n mashallah excelled in the highest qualities of all asmaul husnas beautiful attributes.

That is y allah has mentioned human heads as sacred n disallowed it 2 b bowed 2 any other - other then allah himself. By wotever tests or lessons thru Qur’an n sunnah of prophet mohammad saw he has given us he has told us 2 bring our most sacred n priced part of the body - head, 2 touch the ground 2 honor him n show gratitude towards him, the perfect posture n most important part of salah also known as sujood. Knell downing was deserved by the skool teachers from disobedient pupil.

Original blog:



Reminder for believers

May 27, 2016

It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits. As soon as it starts raining, lightning shortly follows. Dark clouds replace the sun and all you can see are the waves of an ocean, once calm, surrounding you. No longer able to find your way, you reach out for help.

You begin by calling the coast guard. No reply. You try again to redirect the boat. No use. You look for the lifeboat. It’s gone. You reach for a life jacket. Torn. Finally after you’ve exhausted every means, you turn your face upward.

And ask God.

But there’s something completely unique about this moment. At this instant, you experience something you otherwise could only theorize about: true tawheed. Oneness. See, on shore, you may have called on God. But you called on Him along with so many others. You may have depended on God. But you depended on Him along with so many other handholds. But for this singular moment, everything else is closed. Everything. There is nothing left to call on. Nothing left to depend on. But Him.

And that’s the point.

Do you ever wonder why when you’re most in need, every door you seek of the creation remains closed? You knock on one, but it’s slammed shut. So you go to another. It’s also shut. You go from door to door, knocking, pounding on each one, but nothing opens. And even those doors you had once depended on, suddenly shut. Why? Why does that happen?

See, we humans have certain qualities which God knows well. We are constantly in a state of need. We are weak. But, we are also hasty and impatient. When we are in trouble, we will be pushed to seek assistance. And that’s the design. Why would we seek shelter if it’s sunny and the weather is nice? When does one seek refuge? It is when the storm hits. So Allah subahanahu wa ta`ala (exlated is He) sends the storm; He makes the need through a created situation, so that we will be driven to seek shelter.

But when we do seek assistance, because of our impatience, we seek it in what is near and what seems easy. We seek it in what we can see and hear and touch. We look for shortcuts. We seek help in the creation, including our own selves. We look for help in what seems closest. And isn’t that exactly what dunya (worldly life) is? What seems near. The word ‘dunya’ itself means ‘that which is lower’. Dunya is what seems closest. But, this is only an illusion.

There is something closer.

Think for a moment about what’s nearest to you. If asked this question, many would say it is the heart and the self that are nearest. But, Allah (swt) says:

“It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his nafs (self) makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein,” (Qur’an 50:16).

In this verse, Allah (swt) begins by showing us that He knows our struggles. There is comfort in knowing that someone sees our struggles. He knows what our own self calls us to. But He is closer. He is closer than our own self and what it calls for.  He is closer than our jugular vein. And why the jugular? What is so striking about this part of us? The jugular vein is the most important vein that brings blood to the heart. If severed, we die almost immediately. It is literally our lifeline. But Allah (swt) is closer. Allah (swt) is closer than our own life, than our own Self, than our own nafs. And He is closer than the most important pathway to our heart.

In another verse, Allah (swt) says:

“O ye who believe! give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He calleth you to that which will give you life; and know that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart, and that it is He to Whom ye shall (all) be gathered,” (Qur’an 8:24).

Allah (swt) knows we have a nafs. Allah knows we have a heart. Allah knows that these things drive us. But Allah tells us that He is closer to us than even these. So when we reach for other than Him, we are not only reaching for what is weaker, we are also reaching past what is closer, for what is further and more distant. Subhan Allah (Glory be to God).

So since this is our nature, as Allah (swt) knows best, He protects and redirects us by keeping all other doors of refuge closed during the storm. He knows that behind each false door is a drop. And if we enter it, we will fall. In His mercy, He keeps those false doors closed.

In His mercy, He sent the storm itself to make us seek help. And then knowing that we’re likely to get the wrong answer, He gives us a multiple choice exam with only one option to choose from: the correct answer.  The hardship itself is ease.  By taking away all other handholds, all other multiple choice options, He has made the test simple.

It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits. And that’s exactly the point. By sending the wind, He brings us to our knees: the perfect position to pray.

The Only Shelter in the Storm by Yasmin Mogahed

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‫الحميد ختجا Hamidh fathima‬‎+1

Indeed,Subhanallaah. great sharing. Jazak Allah Khair.


Syed Rahim Uddin+1




Wa anti fa jazakAllahu khairan sister +الحميد ختجا Hamidh fathima :)


Muttaka Idris usain

Ameen, Jazzakallah khairan. 


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