Trying to wear me down thru nonstop tricks in the inet by creating must share with the world outrageous tricky n compelling situations.
An eletter written thru out the nite waiting to b sent after sohur in a less than 50/50 composed situation, gets dramatically changed only to b found out after 2 hours of nap n after it was sent out. Then again all copies wisely removed since "unnecessary".
However, one copy was finally found in an app which I never use for archives, with the exception of this time. But then again few hours of efforts, trial n errors, due to endless tricky program loops n probably possessed I allways get hooked between the obsession (possession) mixed bluff with slightly changing scenarios the next time for sure carrot. Quietly John achieves his sadistic motives in favor of terrorist bankers n federal terrorists.
The URL below is of "no pic conversion possible" censored version. But the below two pix were taken from the same apps.
Below two r not the originals, the revised copy from the censored. It possibly reflects 85-90 % of the initial one. Yes I do read be4 wot I send out, n also in this case i did. But the budding thot of something doesn't look rite was blown away - when I cud hardly keep my eyes open, with usual very painful morning rituals to remind time is up (if sleeping to wake me up or vice versa n continues in life threatening ways for hours). Not only it is pain but also dangerous attempts to mess up my mind. With all situations pounding on me I decided, I m too tired, let it go.......

PS: excuse the Johnny brain if being Muslim u feel threatened. Let me remind this arrogant recalcitrant stupid fool that wot he said to his agent (yes, Edward Snowden n Julian assange camouflaged by Russian n UK govts r still fully American CIA agents) computer n shytwan joint program head Snowden that he shud remember executions still exists I wonder which law protects him from listening to himself.
Trying to wear me down thru nonstop tricks in the inet by creating must share with the world outrageous tricky n compelling situations.
An eletter written thru out the nite waiting to b sent after sohur in a less than 50/50 composed situation, gets dramatically changed only to b found out after 2 hours of nap n after it was sent out. Then again all copies wisely removed since "unnecessary".
However, one copy was finally found in an app which I never use for archives, with the exception of this time. But then again few hours of efforts, trial n errors, due to endless tricky program loops n probably possessed I allways get hooked between the obsession (possession) mixed bluff with slightly changing scenarios the next time for sure carrot. Quietly John achieves his sadistic motives in favor of terrorist bankers n federal terrorists.
The URL below is of "no pic conversion possible" censored version. But the below two pix were taken from the same apps.
PS: excuse the Johnny brain if being Muslim u feel threatened. Let me remind this arrogant recalcitrant stupid fool that wot he said to his agent (yes, Edward Snowden n Julian assange camouflaged by Russian n UK govts r still fully American CIA agents) computer n shytwan joint program head Snowden that he shud remember executions still exists I wonder which law protects him from listening to himself.